Tuesday, December 31, 2019

What to Know Before Bringing up Politics at Work - The Muse

What to Know Before Bringing up Politics at Work - The MuseWhat to Know Before Bringing up Politics at Work Politics. It was already a taboo subject in schreibstubes before November 2016, but with rising tensions across America, it has become an even riskier topic to discuss.With that said, the current political environment is such that its hard to imagine notlage talking about it at all without burying a part of ourselves. One quick midday trip to social media can result in you wanting- or even needing- to say something aloud to the person who sits next to you. But even if you work in an office that encourages you to be yourself at work and youre not at risk of losing your job by speaking up, you shouldnt just assume that its a good idea to share your thoughts. Thats not to say you should stay quiet, but instead ask yourself this critical question firstAm I assuming that everyone within earshot shares my views?Frequently, when people share their political views in the office its bec ause they feel like its safe to. In most cases, that means liberals feeling comfortable speaking up in blue states or cities, and conservatives speaking up in states or districts that are clearly red. If everyone else agrees with you, theres no risk of being controversial or offensive, right?Wrong.Unless you work for a super small company where everyones beliefs are out in the open (which is unlikely), theres a good chance that a number of colleagues disagree with you on at least some (if not all) issues. That guy in accounting who shared that hes pro-LGBTQ rights may also be pro-life or fiscally conservative. The woman on the sales team in the break room may feel alienated and unwelcome in an office with vocal Trump supporters, and therefore hide her feminist beliefs.Now, this doesnt mean that you should go around and quiz your colleagues about what they believe in (really, please dont do that). What it does mean is that you should be thoughtful when expressing your beliefs, and br inging as much empathy and compassion as you can to the table.Because even if you disagree with Sheryls voting choices- and are maybe even offended by the values you see reflected in her vote- shes still your co-worker. And as much as you (hopefully) took this job because of the companys culture and mission, work is not a place that guarantees that everyones value system line up perfectly with yours.In the office, you and your co-workers are a team, bringing your skills and passion to the table each day to make that mission a reality. If you remember that, its not hard to also remember that you owe it to your colleagues to be considerate and respectful.Pretty sure youre not the person being inconsiderate and disrespectful? Here are some real examples, Ive heard from well-meaning peopleA co-worker sharing information about a political event with the full team, assuming everyone would be interested and excited.Another co-worker deciding a person didnt share her beliefs because they di d not express interest in attending said event.Two colleagues laughing about supporters of a specific presidential candidate around the office coffee machine, unaware that others could hear them. A person jumping to conclusions about a co-workers policy beliefs based on which candidate they voted forIf youre in the majority in your office, you may be asking yourself, So what, Im clearly in the right and theyre clearly in the wrong. But thats a pretty poor defense. Because one day, youll be in the minority on an issue and these innocent jokes by the coffee machine will make you feel excluded, and possibly unsafe. So the next time youre thinking about bringing up that political article you saw on Facebook at work, take a breath, and ask yourself if youre assuming that everyone around you shares your views. Unless you can 100%, without a doubt, say they do, dont bring it up. By pausing and asking yourself this one simple question, youll be doing your part to make sure that your office is an inclusive and welcoming environment. And in a culture thats as divided as ours is now, thatd be doing the right thing- regardless of where you stand.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Culture Fit Interview Questions and Answers

Culture Fit Interview Questions and AnswersCulture Fit Interview Questions and AnswersDo you hire employees based on your assessment of their answers to interview questions that seek to understand their cultural fit? If you dont, you are missing a critical opportunity to determine whether the prospective employee will work successfully in your company. Use these interview questions about cultural fit as a starting point to develop your own questions. The prospective employees answers help you determine whether the candidate will work successfully in your organization. ansicht are the types of responses that will indicate your candidates fit with your organization. Assess Cultural Fit In interview question answers that assess cultural fit, you are seeking an employee who shares the values and principles that drive work and relationships in your organization. You are looking for an employee who will add value, not an employee who will take constant work and effort on your part to b ring him or her into compliance with your workplace norms. You want to hire an employee who shares a common understanding of how coworkers and customers are valued in your organization. You dont want to bring an aggressive, out-for-himself person into an organization that values collaboration, shared goals, mutual respect, and shared rewards, for example. You do not want to hire a nitpicking micro-manager into a company that stresses employee empowerment and reasonable risk-taking. In conducting interviews with prospective employees, the cultural fit assessment is critical. It is so important that some companies schedule a cultural fit interview in plus-rechnen to, and often before, the more traditional interviews to assess skills, experience, and potential contribution.Zappos is an example of a company that does a cultural assessment phone interview before scheduling regular onsite interviews. These examples illustrate the assessment of answers to cultural fit interview questions. Interview Question Answers About the Core Value of Teamwork Your company has determined that teamwork is a core value. These are the types of answers that will help you assess cultural fit. The candidate Expresses comfort, and even a preference, for working with and on teams.Articulates his or her strengths in a team environment or working on a team.Is able to discuss the role that he or she typically plays on a work team.Describes a level of comfort how co-workers or bosses view his or her contribution in a teamwork environment.Says wewhen describing accomplishments.Attributes the success of endeavors to the group.Does not say I and me in response to many questions.When describing past approaches, problem-solving, achievements, endeavors, and projects, in response to other interview questions, includes forming a team or teamwork solutions as viable options. Interview Question Answers About the Core Value of Delighting Customers This is a second example that illustrates how to assess answers to cultural fit interview questions. Your company has determined that delighting customers is a core value. These are the types of answers that will help you assess cultural fit. The candidate Uses examples in his or her answers to interview questions that demonstrate a commitment to serving customers and meeting or exceeding customer needs.Speaks of coworkers and other internal customers as if they are valued and worthy of service.When asked about values, the purpose of the business, goals, and other related concepts lists the customer as the key reason for existing.Has stories to tell during the interviews that illustrate serving customers. You will never find the perfect employee, the perfect manager, or the perfect boss, but you can find an employee who will contribute to, not tear apart, the work environment that you provide for employees. Carefully assessing your candidates responses to cultural fit interview questions, as suggested in the above examples, wi ll help you select an employee who will fit well into your workplace culture.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

How to Write a Twesume

How to Write a TwesumeHow to Write a TwesumeYou might be asking yourself, what is a twesume? Well, itsTwittersversion of a resume, in 140 characters or less. If youre still reticent to utilize this social media platform to find your next job, youre missing out. Since 89% of companies use social media for recruiting, its a good idea to get in the game- now. Heres how to write a twesume.Be brief.Sure, it goes without saying that youll need your twesume to be short. 140 characters gives you barely enough characters to write a cohesive sentence, let alone provide a synopsis of your entire work experience. But youll need to be concise in order to get in all the necessary info.Highlight your fruchtwein recent experience.While you might want to write about your past three positions, youll only be able to communicate your most previous one in the space provided. So be sure to spotlight the biggest successes as youself-promote.Choose popular hashtags.When writing your twesume, try to use popu lar hashtags. That way, hiring managers and headhunters will have easier access to your information. Not sure what the popular hashtags for your industry are? Simply do a Google search to find whats current and trending.Label it.Theres no point in writing a twesume if its not properly labeled as one. Twesume itself is a hashtag, so attach it at the end of your profile, like this twesume.If youre used to traditional resumes and cover letters, creating a 140 character twesume may seem silly. But its one of the best ways to get your information out there- and add exposure to your Twitter account. So write your twesume and tweet your way to acareeryoull love.Readers, have you written a twesume? How else do you use social media in your job search? Let us know in the comments section below

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Your Career Path Will Be Full of Twists and Turns and That#8217;s a Good Thing

Your Career Path Will Be Full of Twists and Turns and That8217s a Good Thing Your Career Path Will Be Full of Twists and Turns and That8217s a Good Thing The job market is full of twists and turns youd never expect. I faced my first twistduring college.I grew up in the 90s alongside the internet. Companies like AOL were just starting out. With a fast dial-up modem, you could connect to the web through your phone line. It welches just the sort of thing a teenager dying to go to college out of state needed. It was an exciting time. Everything and everyone suddenly seemed magically intertwined in a new way.Startups were popping up everywhere. Young people were getting investments to start businesses and were suddenly worth millions. It was like being a celebrity. The guarantee of a good job and a great financial future motivated me to study computer and systems engineering in college. I moved from Oklahoma to upstate New York for the opportunity.Midway through my time in school, the dot-com crash happened. Suddenly, startups were disappearing and jobs in the tech world were dryingup. Recruiters canceled their visits to my school because the jobs they were hiring for were canceled, too.This was one of the scariest times in my career. It forced me to rethink the possibilities of what I might become. After some soul searching, I found a project management job. It wasnt what I had expected to be doing, but the good news was it was even better. This work capitalized on my strengths more than computer programming ever did, and it prepared me for my next challenge graduate school.Getting my MBA presented a new set of hurdles. The first was saving enough money to quit my job to go. The second was moving across the country to a new city in California where I knew no one. While I was in school, the job market continued to be competitive. In fact, many employers were no longer paying for interns. The prospect of working for free was one catalyst to finish school early a nd begin my new career.Although I planned to change careers when I finished business school, employers didnt always agree. One company offered me twice as much money to do the same sort of work Id been doing before school. It was incredibly confusing. The money was great, but Id quit my job so that I could change careers completely. I turned down the offer and kept searching. Eventually, I became a digital marketing executive, and now Im a career coach.What Ive learned along the way is that your path doesnt always end up as straight as you picture it when youre 18, and thats okay. In todays job market, changing jobs every 3-5 years keeps you fresh. It diversifies your professional contacts and your experience and gives you the chance to negotiate for more money every few years.Very often, unexpected career interference is a true blessing in disguise.A version of this article originally appeared in theMemphis Daily News.Angela Copeland is a career coach and CEO at her firm,Copeland C oaching.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Google Calendar makes upgrades to out of office tools

Google Calendar makes upgrades to out of office toolsGoogle Calendar makes upgrades to out of office toolsThough according to a recent Wrikesurveyof 1,000 American employees,one-third of employees intend on being available to work on vacation (and they have to do this in order to actually enjoy their vacation) your Google Calendar does not want you to even check your email if you are OOO. It just launched a new feature that will tell your community hours you are unavailable and will also act as your personal assistant and decline meetings for you.All you have to do is select the Out of Office calendar entry type when you are creating an event. Then automatically when your coworkers forget that you blocked those hours or days as time off they will be notified that you are not available.Google Calendar will also be rolling out another feature to help you with work life balance. In the past you could onlycreate one set of hours for your working week, but in the near future you will be a ble to customize behauptung hours for each day.This in addition to Gmails latest feature upgrades that provides automated responses based on your communication patterns is all contributing to making your life a bit easier.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

New Article Reveals the Low Down on Indeed Resume Login and Why You Must Take Action Today

New Article Reveals the Low Down on Indeed Resume Login and Why You Must Take Action Today Candidates should know about the industry to be able to get employment, but the business also hires candidates with little to no experience. Moreover, we additionally provide proofreading and editing services. Indeed Resumes are visible to employers so they can enable you to know about jobs you may be interested in. Career Exploration If you dont know just what you would like to do, nows the opportunity to explore various opportunities. Or if youre trying to find a career change, it is going to help you decide which skillsets you want to obtain through job training or internships. With a Indeed Resume you are able to make your abilities and experience visible to employers and provide them an effortless method to get in touch with you about relevant jobs. It is crucial to focus your work search on jobs youre truly interested in pursuing and are qualified for. You may also view FAQs at any moment. Filling out a practice application first can help you to formulate your answers and guarantee a clean final edition. In case you have any questions, dont hesitate to call us. Have a look at our FAQs if you have any questions regarding your resume. The Fundamentals of Indeed Resume Login Revealed If possible, have somebody else look over your resume too. Functional type is for all those who do not own a whole lot of matter or experience to support their resume with. The very belastung thing you desire is for your resume to let you down when youre actually the best suited pick for the job. It may ask you exactly what kind of resume you are searching for, while its professional, academic, or casual. The 30-Second Trick for Indeed Resume Login So far as the students are involved, writing a research paper is among the toughest and frustrating undertaking in their opinion. STARTING YOUR OWN BUSINESS doesnt mean that youll never should compose a resume or cover letter again. Templates may often be downloaded and then utilized in a word processor. They can help you structure your letter and resume so that they are well organized. Also be ready to answer questions about why youre applying and what youd donate to the organization or company. Were keen to meet the requirements of our customers. To prevent this recurring problem, make certain you cancel the service should you not wish to continue to cover it. The way the tafelgeschirr Works My Perfect Resume is completely self-directed, so the quantity of time that it can take to experience the whole process will be different from person to person. Pick a template you prefer. Employing VisualCVs CV editor you can readily switch from 1 template to another, which means you can easily use the ideal template for the job every single time you apply. A template offers you a suggested structure for your documents, which means you can quickly begin writing. It also simply helps you save time. Its possible to also apply these samples to find out what sorts of fonts and layouts are ideal for a great resume. MPIN is a 6 digit numeric code thats utilised to login in the app. Google Docs letter templates supply you with a coordinated look to coincide with the manner of your resume. What Indeed Resume Login Is - and What it Is Not Security Alert Youre entering a secure website. Go straight for whats related to you. ur resume builder is the quickest approach to create a resume that can help you get your fantasy job. A resume builder is going to have you simply give your information into a webpage. If you opt to utilize it, it ought to be a fairly effortless process as you would already be acquainted with the resume building process. If you actually need help completing your resume, search for an online resume builder. LinkedInLinkedIn is an expert networking tool which allows you to connect with past and present colleagues and classmates, together with form new connect ions which may help you in your search for a new job or company prospect. Deciding on a career can be based on a lot of aspects. Create a master resume that will get the job done for a variety of positions. Sometimes a bit of help, guidance and motivation may be the extra push required to connect to a job. Want to Know More About Indeed Resume Login? There are a lot of strategies to create a special and professional resume online so you will be ready for your next employment application and interview. Additionally, the built-in methods and expert advice will allow you to compose the perfect resume. Apart from consulting My Perfect Resume reviews, everyone can visit the website and find three standard steps for using the service. Resume services are all around the world wide web, so you might have come across My Perfect Resume. Choosing Indeed Resume Login Is Simple TwitterThis networking tool will be able to help you find people with common interests. You do not have to be concerned about your personal details that may be viewed, as we handle the matter on a safe network. Remain Positive fruchtwein folks experience a career transition at the same time or another. To develop a career program, is a means to focus your work search. The Secret to Indeed Resume Login Simply click where you wish to edit, delete the dummy text and begin typing. To save a good deal of heartache down the road, make certain you use our resume builder to create a document that could be easily transferred to different job applications. The mixture of our templates and your input is likely to make your resume fly to the peak of any pile. They also show you exactly what elements you will need to have in your letter, like introductions and body paragraphs.

Monday, December 2, 2019

The Dos and Donts of Tracking Applicants - Spark Hire

The Dos and Donts of Tracking Applicants - Spark HireAs you start your new recruiting business, you may bedrngnis have a well established Applicant Tracking System (ATS). When starting up your business the budget is tight and its important for you to understand that you do not need to spend big bucks in the beginning in order to be successful.However, there are some key dos and donts to keep in mind when creating your own systems for tracking applicants. DO create a tracking method early on in your business.From the moment that you begin receiving applicants in your new recruiting business it is important that you have a tracking method in place. If you wait until after you have started the screening process, creating a tracking method can become very overwhelming.DONT make it too complicated.Different tracking methods work for different people. However, its important that you do not create a system that will be too cumbersome to actually use.Consider starting out with a simple excel spreadsheet. Think about the important information that will help you to quickly and accurately find, contact, and track applicants. Perhaps keep your spreadsheet columns limited to the following information in the beginningNameSkillLocationEmailPhoneNotesThis will allow you to easily search your applicants by skill set, location, etc. depending on the job order you are working on. Ease of use is important if you want to create a tracking system that will work efficiently.DO use your calendar reminders.Successful recruiters remember to follow up with applicants in a timely manner, always knowing what stage of the screening process each applicant is in. One of the best ways to make koranvers you do not miss any follow up calls during the screening process is to utilize your calendar reminders.By scheduling follow ups on your calendar and adding a pop up reminder, you will be sure not to miss any important calls with top talent.DONT lose track of important applicant documents.When yo u are setting up your applicant tracking system, make sure that you have a way to keep track of important candidate documents such as resumes, certificates, and any other documents that candidates may provide to you.You can easily create a file folder on your computer for each individual applicant. These individual files can hold all of the documents that may be needed if you submit a candidate to your client. There are also many mobile apps for recruiters to help track applicants that could be extremely helpful for keeping your process organized.How did you first track applicants when starting your recruiting business? Please share your tips in the comments below.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Career Tips for Women in Technology

Career Tips for Women in TechnologyCareer Tips for Women in TechnologyHere are two facts The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that there will be 1.2 million computing job openings in the United States between 2012 and 2022. And according to a study by the American Association of University Women, the percentage of computing jobs held by women has declined.A third fact That last trend can be reversed. It needs to Theres already a shortage of skilled IT talent, which means theres demand for women in technology (and men). Research by Robert Half Technology shows that 67 percent of U.S. CIOs face recruiting challenges, particularly for in-demand roles in areas such as software development, security and networking.Women who want to work in IT, but lack technical skills and experience, shouldnt let that derail their plans to make the transition from their current field, says Kelly Napoli-Floto, senior director, enterprise customer support, for Robert Half. The IT profession is so d iversified today, she says. There are many different avenues for women in technology to explore many more than when I entered the field in the 1990s.A former accountant, Napoli-Floto hadnt even considered a technology career until fate threw her a few curveballs. For women considering an IT career, but are having difficulty visualizing how it might unfold, her story may serve as inspiration.An unexpected pathIn the early 1990s, a Robert Half staffing specialist suggested that Napoli-Floto use her strong soft skills as a recruiter. Napoli-Floto took that advice, and within a few years had become a division director for Accountemps. Then one day, she heard about an opportunity that sent her in yet another new direction.Robert Half welches rolling out a new software solution companywide and needed people to learn the technology and serve as trainers, says Napoli-Floto. I thought that sounded exciting. So, I volunteered and spent the next two years traveling all over the country.As par t of the rollout, Robert Half established an IT desk - which needed a manager. Once again, Napoli-Floto found herself pursuing new possibilities I welches hired for the role, even though I didnt have a lot of technical knowledge at the time. But I understood the challenges people in the field would face using the new technology.That was 1999, and Napoli-Floto has stayed the course in IT ever since, advancing her career at Robert Half. I fell into IT, but once I was there, I knew it was for me, she says.Making the transitionOver the past 16 years, Napoli-Floto has binnenseen a lot of changes in technology, and in the workforce that supports it. When I started the help desk at Robert Half, only men were applying for the positions I needed to staff, she recalls. Today, we have several women on our team, and in other IT roles in the company. I also see many more opportunities opening up for women in technology, generally.Napoli-Floto suggests that women who need to build technical skil ls consider starting out in a nontechnical IT role. Look for opportunities on teams focused on business transformation, she says. These groups help businesses figure out how to use technology to improve operations and innovate. This can provide a great training ground for anyone who wants to break into IT.And dont let education be a barrier to entering the field, says Napoli-Floto For many tech roles, you dont need a four-year degree. Earn a certification, and build out your skills through on-the-job training.Additional tips for making the move to ITLearn simple coding. Even if you dont want to be a programmer or developer, understanding the basics like HTML and JavaScript can prove to be invaluable knowledge in your future IT career (and may help to catch a hiring managers attention). Look to beginner-friendly resources like w3schools, Codeacademy, Khan Academy and Google University Consortium.Study the hiring market. Look to resources such as Robert Half Technologys Salary Guide t o learn about in-demand positions, what employers are looking for in top candidates, and what abilities could help you earn a higher starting salary. Robert Halfs Salary Center can also provide insight into what types of industries are adding tech positions in your local area.Target tech companies and startups. Remember, tech companies are businesses, too, and need many functions to support their operations. Look to break into unterstellung firms by applying for roles similar to what you do now. Startups can also provide a more direct path to a tech role. These innovative businesses tend to encourage employees to expand their skill sets on the job so they can help support the business as it grows.Leverage your network. Let your professional contacts know youre considering making a transition to an IT career, and ask for guidance. Use sites like LinkedIn to find and join groups related to your interests in technology, or geared for women in IT. Also, consider attending industry netwo rking events to introduce yourself to the tech community.Your assignmentIn our previous post, we explained that in the coming months we will be providing readers with optional assignments intended to motivate people to think about how they, as individuals, can help to grow womens influence in the tech sector.The first assignment was to join a professional network or membership association that actively promotes the advancement of women in the technology profession. If you did this, please share your experiences in the comments. Which organization did you join? Why? We want to hear your story.This months assignment Add at least two people to your professional network who you believe can provide valuable insights as you launch or work to advance your career in technology.Are you currently transitioning to an IT career from a different field - or have you already made the move? Share your experiences in the comments.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

4 reasons you didnt get the job, and why you should be happy about it

4 reasons you didnt get the job, and why you should be happy about it4 reasons you didnt get the job, and why you should be happy about itRegardless of your work experience, prestigious degrees or how well you prepared for the interview, at some point, we all get rejected for a job opportunity that we really wanted. Despite the bruise to our egos, often behauptung rejections are blessings in disguise.Over the course of my career, Ive worked with many executives that looked back later on the dream jobs for which they werent selected and realized that they avoided a major career mistake. With hindsight, they see that landing those jobs would have put them in the wrong environment or led them off course.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreBut if youre currently experiencing the sting of rejection, here are four reasons to take into consideration when pondering why you didnt get the job and why you should be grateful for it.1. You werent qualifiedThe point of taking on a new opportunity is to learn new things and increase our career trajectory. This frequently drives us to target jobs for which were not (yet) fully qualified. I encourage my clients to interview for these kinds of stretch opportunities.But the reality is, there will be times when the company needs to hire someone that can hit the ground running with minimal growing pains. If you arent that candidate, you should be grateful that they didnt hire you. I know it hurts to get the thanks, but no thanks message, but theres nothing worse than starting a new job with incompatible expectations of what you can deliver and how fast you can come up to speed.Be glad you dodged this bullet and keep interviewing for other stretch roles. Dont become discouraged. The next position may be a better fit.2. They werent ready for what you had to offerBeing over-qualified is a real problem and you may have stumbled on an organization that isnt ready for the skills and expertise that you bring to the table.I know this sounds like the classic, Its not you, its me breakup line, but its a true reality that you would have become frustrated trying to bring your talents to a work environment that wasnt prepared to take advantage of them. This is most often true when an organization says during the early interviews that they want to be best-in-class or make a significant cultural shift, but as they get to know you and your skills better, they may realize that they dont truly want (or simply arent ready for) the amount of change required to help you be successful.Again, this is a gift. You want a track record of accomplishment and this job would have set you up for failure.3. They didnt want to pay you what youre worthSometimes, not getting an offer seems unbelievable. You loved the culture, youre clearly qualified and they seemed to be just as interested in you as you were in them. Then you get the news th at no offer is coming they gave the job to an internal candidate or someone more junior. Its baffling.But dont let it shake your confidence. Often this has to do with a mismatch between your compensation expectations and what they hoped to spend on the role. None of us want to work at a place where we have to beg them to pay us a reasonable salary. In addition, if the company was willing to let you go and hire someone cheaper, they probably werent as committed to the business objective you would have addressed.And, not only would they have paid you less than you deserved, but they also wouldnt have valued your work as much as you would have liked. You should be glad you werent offered this job because you might have taken it.4. You didnt really want itBe honest with yourself Was this really your dream job or are you just ready to get away from the stress of your current job? There have been times in my career where the latter was true and I just wanted a way out.I convinced myself to interview with a company I liked, but for a job I knew I wouldnt enjoy. Ive accepted offers from companies I already suspected werent a good cultural fit for me. Were either of these true for you? Did you really want this job? And if not, how might you have sabotaged the process? Were you slow to respond or did you fail to follow up? Were you brutally honest in answering interviews questions in hopes that they might reject you?The good news is, they did. Youre one of the lucky ones. Be grateful.Kourtney Whitehead has focused her career on helping people reach their work goals, from executive searches to counseling to career transitions, through her positions at top executive recruiting firms and consulting companies. Her site, SimplyService.org, is an online community focused on supporting the creation of spiritually centered work lives. She is a sought-after speaker and podcast guest. Her new book, Working Whole, shares how to unite spiritual and work life.You might also enjoyNe w neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Free Entry-Level Resume Templates

Free Entry-Level Resume TemplatesFree Entry-Level Resume TemplatesAn entry-level administrative assistant resume keeps things simple. These basic resume designs and formats focus on you and your accomplishments, not fancy formats. These designs also enable you to make the best use of white space and help to balance your formal training and professional experience. Take a look at our entry-level resume examples to binnensee how you can write and format a winning resume.Create ResumeEntry-Level Administrative Assistant ResumeCustomize ResumeIndustry SnippetsBy using our free entry-level administrative assistant resume templates, you will learn how to write a strong resume to launch the career you want. Entry-Level Pros and ConsOur free entry-level administrative assistant resume templates are designed to meet the needs of applicants who want to highlight their education, accomplishments, and hands-on experience acquired through internships, student work, or volunteer work.Pros Strong o rganizationPros Easy to readCons Format is not memorableCons It might be obvious that this is your first resumeResume TextGeraldJones123 Street,City, ST, 12345 (123) 456-7890 (H) (123) 456-7890 (C) emailisp.comProfessional SummaryAmbitious Administrative Assistant with strong writing, communication, and customer service skills, seeking to take next career step with an organization offering opportunities for professional advancement. Formal training in business administration with comprehensive experience in using MS Office Suite to achieve day-to-day business goals and optimize workflows. Success in developing efficient business processes to streamline workflow and enhance organizational performance.Skill HighlightsOffice administrationWorkflow optimizationCalendar managementFile and records managementTeam leadershipCorrespondence and reportingProfessional Experience9/1/2015 CurrentAdministrative Assistant InternLandmark Strategies Chicago, ILProvide comprehensive administrative and secretarial support to enable day-to-day business operations.Collect, calculate, process, and submit travel expense reports to accounting department for approval.Develop and initiate workflow optimization strategies, cost control initiatives, and electronic reporting systems.Schedule and organize meetings, teleconferences, and travel for company leadership.Manage Senior Vice Presidents calendars, agendas, and itineraries.Prepare complex reports such as budget and abverkauf reports to facilitate decision-making by company leadership.Manage office supplies and equipment schedule preventative and reparative maintenance to maintain equipment and minimize operational disruptions.3/1/2014 12/1/2014Administrative AssistantOld St. Patricks Church Chicago, ILDelivered high quality administrative support to church, including copying and distributing booklets, flyers, and pamphlets.Contributed to maintenance and cleaning of church and church facilities.Worked with church leadership to cr eate weekly bulletins.Participated in community outreach activities to promote church and strengthen relationships between church and community.Education and TrainingRobert Morris CollegeBusiness Administration Studies 2016Chicago, IL